Austen Bell, Director - Juaba | 07809 147148
Tom Walton, Director - Infinity Works | 0113 320 5010
"Do you know how some organisations don't get new ideas to their customers as fast as they could... or if they do, what they build doesn't always get them to where they strategically expect to be? I work with organisations to help them clearly link their delivery output into their vision. This lets organisations focus their efforts on getting that strategic value as soon as possible."
Austen founded Juaba to focus on the notion that 'There's no point in doing something well if its ultimately the wrong thing to do'. By coaching people at all levels in understanding why they are doing what they are doing, he shows how the work they are doing affects the bigger picture. This increases collaboration, reduced mistakes, and shared accountability within teams, ultimately leading to more empowered teams and an increased delivery of value.
At Infinity Works, Tom has taken on an ambitious mission to bring disruptive change to masses. His primary area of focus is upon bringing a DevOps culture to software delivery organisations through facilitating mindset, organisation structure, tools and techniques to evolve.
Tom's strap line is: "Get live, get learning!", essentially to:
-Reduce risk through prototyping and launching early
-Maximise value throughout the delivery chain
-Reduce / remove areas of waste
-Pass on learning to customers to empower them