Why use VMOST?
The Problem
People tend to address the immediate problem, for their area of concern, rather than think about the bigger picture and value.
The Solution
Provides a framework to visualise and prioritise all change according to measurable value delivered.
The Challenges
Coming to a common vision takes time, patience, solid leadership, good communication, an ability to effectively prioritise and a lot of input!
The Rewards
Clarity of purpose, focused action, measurable outcomes, more value achieved.
Continuing Benefits
Enables the ability to “pivot” based upon rapid feedback.
Aids continuous improvement through regular stakeholder reviews.
Why VMOST is useful?
Makes sure that the views and priorities of all business stakeholders are understood prior to starting, to avoid designing solutions which satisfy one part of the business, but cause problems elsewhere.
Helps us to understand which key stakeholders need to be involved from the business as work gets underway.
Helps us to understand business and IT priorities to ensure that the organisation delivers the most important things first.
Brings out the business change activities and tasks which are needed for successful IT projects, so that wider impacts and initiatives are aligned, e.g. training, marketing comms, recruitment etc.
Gives visibility of all change ongoing and planned, and allows us to better understand, plan and react to changes or opportunities.
Helps stakeholders from across the organisation ensure actions are achievable, measurable and deliver value.